风从黄河来--于来油画作品展发表时间:2024-07-15 12:04 ![]() 于来 《百鸟朝凤》 200*300cm 杨大伟 中国美术家协会美术理论委员会委员
2024年6月13日于杭州 于来 《冬天里的风》 80*100cm 于来 《风从高原走过》 80*100cm 于来 《千年一恋》150*120cm 于来 《信天游》 80*100cm 于来 《九天回音》 120*100cm 于来,1972年6月生于中国山东。1992年——1996年就读于曲阜师范大学美术系油画专业。2005年—2006年中央美术学院徐悲鸿画室研修油画专业,2006年—2007年进修于中国艺术研究院油画创作研究生班。2007年——2010年入住北京宋庄,2010年10月调入山东省威海画院,油画作品十几次参加国家级展览。现为中国美术家协会会员,威海市美术馆(威海画院)专职画家。 Yu Lai was born in Shandong, China in June 1972. From 1992 to 1996, he studied oil painting in the Fine Arts Department of Qufu Normal University. From 2005 to 2006, he studied oil painting at the Xu Beihong Studio of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 2006 to 2007, he pursued further studies in the Oil Painting Creation Graduate Class at the Chinese Academy of Art. From 2007 to 2010, he stayed in Songzhuang, Beijing, and transferred to Weihai Painting Academy in Shandong Province in October 2010. His oil paintings have participated in more than a dozen national exhibitions. He is currently a member of the China Artists Association and a full-time painter at Weihai Art Museum (Weihai Painting Academy). 国家级展览获奖作品: National Exhibition Achievements: 1.2013年- 油画作品《印象黄土高原》入选中国美术家协会主办的首届朝圣敦煌全国美术作品展。 2013- The oil painting "Impression of the Loess Plateau" was selected for the Collection of the First Pilgrimage to Dunhuang National Art Exhibition of Fine Arts hosted by the China Artists Association. 2.2013年 - 油画作品《又见厚土》入选中国美术家协会主办的全国油画作品展。 2013- The oil painting "Reunion with thick soil" was selected for the National Oil Painting Exhibition hosted by the China Artists Association. 3.2014年 - 油画作品《厚土气质》入选中国美术家协会主办的“塞上明珠·美丽宁夏”第八届中国西部大地情中国画、油画作品展,(北京国家军事博物馆)。 2014 - The oil painting "Thick soil temperament" was selected for the 8th China Western Land Affection Chinese Painting and Oil Painting Exhibition hosted by the China Artists Association (Beijing National Military Museum). 4.2016年 - 油画作品《海之红礁》入选中国美术家协会主办的“纪念中国共产党成立95周年全国美术作品展”,(北京国家博物馆)。2016- The oil painting "Red Reef of the Sea" was selected for the National Art Exhibition commemorating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China (Beijing National Museum). 5.2016年 - 油画作品《海之红礁》入选庆祝中国共产党成立95周年全国美术作品展览嘉兴巡展暨第四届“红船颂”全国美术活动(浙江嘉兴市南湖革命纪念馆)。 2016- The oil painting "Red Reef of the Sea" was selected for the Jiaxing tour exhibition commemorating the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and the 4th "Ode to the Red Boat" National Art Activity (Jiaxing Nanhu Revolution Memorial Hall, Zhejiang). 6.2016年 - 油画作品《小石岛码头》入选中国美术家协会主办的“吴冠中艺术馆全国油画作品展”(江苏宜兴吴冠中艺术馆)。 2016 - The oil painting "Xiaoshidao Pier" was selected for the Wu Guanzhong Art Museum National Oil Painting Exhibition hosted by the China Artists Association (Wu Guanzhong Art Museum, Yixing, Jiangsu). 7.2017年 - 油画作品《海之岸》获得中国美术家协会主办的中国(南昌)军事美术作品展入会资格奖(江西省美术馆)。 2017 - The oil painting "Coast of the Sea" won the membership qualification award at the China (Nanchang) Military Art Exhibition hosted by the China Artists Association (Jiangxi Art Museum). 8.2017年 - 油画作品《不老山河》入选中国美术家协会主办的壮美内蒙古 亮丽风景线——第十届中国西部大地情中国画、油画作品展(内蒙包头)。 2017 - The oil painting "Immortal Mountains and Rivers" was selected for the Magnificent Inner Mongolia Beautiful Landscape—10th China Western Land Affection Chinese Painting and Oil Painting Exhibition hosted by the China Artists Association (Baotou, Inner Mongolia). 9.2017年 - 作品《新走西口系列全体村民》入选中国大城市专业画院优秀作品联展(第七回)。 2017 - The work "New Westward Journey Series: All Villagers" was selected for the Joint Exhibition of Excellent Works from Major Cities' Professional Art Academies in China (7th session). 10.2018年 - 油画作品《淬火成钢》入选中国美术家协会主办的“大潮起珠江--庆祝改革开放四十周年全国美术作品展”,(中国美术馆)。 2018 - The oil painting "Quenching into Steel" was selected for the National Art Exhibition Celebrating the 40th Anniversary of Reform and Opening-up hosted by the China Artists Association (National Art Museum of China). 11.2019年 - 油画作品《海之红礁》获得第十三届全国美展进京奖,获得第十三届全国美展山东省展优秀创作奖,现已被山东省美术馆收藏。 2019 - The oil painting "Red Reef of the Sea" won the Artworks to Beijing Award of the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts; won the Outstanding Creation Award at the Shandong Provincial Exhibition of the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts. It now collected by the Shandong Art Museum. 12.2020年 - 油画作品《海之红礁》被选为十三届全国美展国际巡展作品。 2020 - The oil painting "Red Reef of the Sea" was selected as one of the works for the international tour of the 13th National Exhibition of Fine Arts. 13.2021年 - 油画作品《海之红礁》参加“光辉历程”第五届上海合作组织国际美术双年展。 2021 - The oil painting "Red Reef of the Sea" participated in the "Glorious Journey" 5th Shanghai Cooperation Organization International Art Biennale. 14.2022年 - 油画《大黄河》入选“天下黄河----中国百名油画家主题作品展进京展”。(北京当代中国写意油画研究院)国家艺术基金项目。 2022 - The oil painting "Great Yellow River" was selected for the “Yellow River in the World” Major Exhibition of 100 Chinese Oil Painters Beijing Exhibition" (Beijing academy of Chinese XieYi Oil Painting), a China National Arts Fund project. 画展情况 Exhibition History 1.2022年11月 - 在山东省乳山举办“面朝大海--于来油画展”。November 2022 - Held "Facing the Sea—Yu Lai Oil Painting Exhibition" in Rushan, Shandong. 2.2023年5月 - 在山东省威海市美术馆举办“厚土蜕变——于来油画作品展”。 May 2023 - Held "Thick Earth Transformation—Yu Lai Oil Painting Exhibition" at Weihai Art Museum, Shandong. 3.2023年8月21日 - 在中国北京中国国家画院美术馆举办“厚土蜕变——于来油画作品展”。 August 21, 2023 - Held "Thick Earth Transformation—Yu Lai Oil Painting Exhibition" at the National Art Museum of China, Beijing. 4.2024年7月27日 - 在上海油画雕塑院美术馆举办“风从黄河来——于来油画作品展”。 July 27, 2024 - Held "Wind from the Yellow River—Yu Lai Oil Painting Exhibition" at the Shanghai Oil Painting and Sculpture Institute Art Museum. |